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NACCHO Workshop Series: Tools for Community Transformation Workshop #5: Community Partner Profiles

January 11, 2024

The Healthy Start TA & Support Center (TASC) is excited to partner with the National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO) to host a monthly, virtual Healthy Start Workshop Series: Tools for Community Transformation. The goal of this interactive series is to improve Healthy Start (HS) programs’ overall performance, including increasing their Community Action Networks’ (CAN) capacity around leadership, partnership development, community engagement, and sustainability. The workshop series will consist of six 45-minute monthly workshops, where NACCHO staff will share a specific tool/resource and discuss how HS grantees can utilize it within their CANs. Participants are encouraged to try these tools and can receive technical assistance from NACCHO during virtual office hours, also offered regularly, to further aid their capacity-building and sustainability efforts tied to each workshop’s topic.

During this workshop, NACCHO staff will discuss the Community Partner Profile tool, which was designed to help partners align themselves to elements of a coalition’s work, such as the priority areas to be addressed through a strategic plan (like a community health improvement plan). NACCHO staff will walk through the tool and explain how it can be utilized within the HS CAN.


Anna Clayton, NACCHO

