Division of Healthy Start and Perinatal Services Information

About the Division of Healthy Start and Perinatal Services

HRSA’s Division of Healthy Start and Perinatal Services (DHSPS) leads and guides national efforts to improve the health outcomes of mothers and women, including the Healthy Start program. On this page, you will find important information created by DHSPS for HS, HSE, and Catalyst grantees, including the quarterly Conversations with the Division webinars.

Conversations With The Divisions

HRSA Logo w PicDHSPS regularly hosts Conversations with the Division (CWD) webinars, where DHSPS staff share key updates with HS, HSE, and Catalyst grantees. Example topics include MCHB updates, Healthy Start Branch updates, programmatic updates, data and evaluation, and additional funding opportunities. Participants are invited to submit questions for the Division ahead of each CWD and time is reserved during each webinar for DHSPS to respond.

FY24 Grantee Kick-off Meeting

On behalf of DHSPS, the Healthy Start TA & Support Center hosted the FY24 Healthy Start Grantee Kick-off Meeting on June 4, 2024.  During this webinar, DHSPS staff welcomed the 2024-2029 Healthy Start grantees and shared key updates and information about the new grant cycle.

FY24 HS Grantee Kick-off Meeting
FY24 HS Grantee Kick-off Meeting FAQ