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Reducing Infant Deaths in the Sleep Environment – Safe Sleep Practices and National Trends for Risk Reduction: Healthy Start Ambassadors’ Training

August 19, 2022

On Friday, August 19, the Healthy Start TA & Support Center (TASC) hosted The Safe Sleep Practices and National Trends for Risk Reduction: Healthy Start Ambassadors’ Training, a three-hour training on the latest statistics, trends, and practices in safe sleep and risk reduction, including the American Academy of Pediatrics’ 2022 Recommendations for Reducing Infant Deaths in the Sleep Environment. Attendees learned how sleep-related infant death is defined, the Triple-Risk Model/Vulnerability of Infants, and the impact of racial, ethnic, and social inequalities on safe sleep outcomes. TASC hosted this training in partnership with Dr. Stacy Scott, founder of the Global Infant Safe Sleep Center (GISS) and long-time international and community advocate and educator for safe sleep initiatives


Dr. Stacy Scott, Global Infant Safe Sleep Center



Reducing Infant Deaths in the Sleep Environment Training Kit (includes many of the resources and information shared during the training)

Healthy Start Ambassador Sample Presentation (which you can use when educating Healthy Start participants about safe sleep)

Safe Sleep Brochure (which you can print out and share with participants)

Healthy Start Ambassadors’ Training Artifact