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Less is More: The Revolutionary Power of Tiny Habits® So You Can Survive Today and Thrive Tomorrow

When you’re in the grip of uncertainty and fear, it’s hard to do anything but worry and feel anxious. If you’re like a lot of people, you want to do better with how you’re handling things right now, but you may be finding it really hard to do. You’re not alone . . . a lot of people are struggling. But there is a way you can feel more secure, more confident, and more competent not only to survive the challenges of today’s Covid-19 crisis, but to thrive in tomorrow’s new normal. In fact, some people are discovering that now can be a time of creative change and growth. This session will provide a deep dive into Tiny Habits, a revolutionary method developed by Stanford Professor BJ Fogg to promote lasting behavior change. Tiny Habits takes the struggle out of behavior change and makes it easy, fun, and effective regardless of the kind of change you want to make. This workshop will transform how you think about behavior change and what you do to achieve it now and in the new normal of tomorrow.


Deborah Teplow, PhD, Co-founder and CEO of the Institute for Wellness Education

