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2020 Grantee Meeting Breakout Session: Introduction to NACCHO’s Mobilizing for Action through Planning and Partnerships (MAPP)

June 24, 2020

NACCHO’s Mobilizing for Action Through Planning and Partnerships, or MAPP, is a widely used community-focused, result-oriented strategic planning process for engaging cross-sectoral partners and people with lived experience to improving population health. In this session, which was held during the 2020 Healthy Start Grantee Meeting, NACCHO provided an overview of the framework as a way to help enhance and strengthen Healthy Start Community Action Networks (CANs). Key MAPP components were shared, including on engaging partners and community members, ensuring that community voice is honored throughout the process; developing a shared vision; conducting assessments to identify strategic issues; formulating goals and strategies; and implementing and evaluating place-based action plans to meet goals, address strategic issues, improve health equity and achieve the community’s vision for improving health.


Peter L. Holtgrave, MA, MPH, National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO)
