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Consortia/CAN Development Training

January 16, 2024

The Healthy Start TA & Support Center (TASC) hosted the Consortia/CAN Development Training on Tuesday, January 16.

Historically, Healthy Start (HS) programs have been built on the principles rooted in their designation as “community-based” and “community-driven” approaches to reducing infant mortality. This strong foundation creates an opportunity to address issues beyond infant mortality to include addressing social determinants of health. This training provided a history of the Consortium and helped attendees examine their Consortium’s (CAN) current functionality and capacity to identify areas to strengthen in order to transition into the vehicle needed to ultimately transform it into the new Healthy Start Enhanced (HSE) framework. The five key areas of concentration are community engagement/community involvement; partnership development; leadership and capacity building; maintenance/sustainability, and evaluation.

The intention of this training was to ensure that your Consortium refines its functionality and learns how to tap into the available community assets and engages a broad community of partners needed for a vibrant, successful Consortium that is viable both now and beyond moving it to action and impact. This webinar was designed to meet the emerging needs of the Healthy Start Enhanced grantees, however all HS grantees are welcome to view the session materials.
